Managing Protected Areas in a Changing Ocean, Outputs from the Request for Proposals
Webinar series
On September 7th and 14th, we held a two-part webinar series that dove into the effects of climate change on our oceans. In these sessions, research teams from around the globe presented their newly funded work aimed at managing marine protected areas (MPAs) in a changing ocean. Through collaborative efforts, these experts aim to fill critical knowledge gaps and provide valuable insights into the challenges faced by MPAs in adapting to climate change.
Featuring Researchers from the Following Projects:
- Collaborative Research to Identify Climate Refugia & Support Resilience in MPAs in Baja California
- Fostering Climate-Resilient Biodiversity and Fisheries in Eastern Tropical Pacific MPAs
- Tools to Assess and Respond to Climate Impacts on Bonaire National Marine Park
- Blending Indigenous and Western Science to Improve Climate-Ready Management of MPAs in the U.S.
Featuring Researchers from the Following Projects: