Establishing the Scientific Basis for Recovery of Western Atlantic Bluefin Tuna

Establishing the Scientific Basis for Recovery of Western Atlantic Bluefin Tuna

Because of four decades of intense fishing and bycatch, the Western North Atlantic population of bluefin tuna is now severely depleted. This project develops information and tools needed to generate new management measures for protecting and rebuilding the western population of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus), including a more accurate stock assessment and an evaluation of how best to protect the tuna on their Gulf of Mexico spawning grounds.

Publications and Reports

Published Papers

Teo, S.L.H. and B.A. Block. 2010. Comparative Influence of Ocean Conditions on Yellowfin and Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Catch from Longlines in the Gulf of Mexico. PLoS ONE 5(5):e10756.
PLoS ONE paper
May, 2010

Armsworth, P. R., B. A. Block, et al. 2010. The economic efficiency of a time-area closure to protect spawning bluefin tuna. Journal of Applied Ecology 47(1): 36-46.
Journal of Applied Ecology paper (subscription needed)
February, 2010

Lawson, G.L., M.R. Castleton, et al. 2010. Movements and diving behavior of Atlantic bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus in relation to water column structure in the northwestern Atlantic. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 400: 245-265.
Marine Ecology-Progress Series paper (subscription needed)
February, 2010

Powers, J. E. and S. M. Abeare. 2009. Fishing effort redistribution in response to area closures. Fisheries Research 99(3): 216-225.
Fisheries Research paper (subscription needed)
August, 2009

Greene, C. H., B. A. Block, et al. 2009. Advances in Conservation Oceanography New Tagging and Tracking Technologies and Their Potential for Transforming the Science Underlying Fisheries Management. Oceanography 22(1): 210-223.
Oceanography paper
March, 2009

Teo, S., A. Boustany, et al. 2007. Oceanographic preferences of Atlantic bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus, on their Gulf of Mexico breeding grounds. Marine Biology 152(5): 1105-1119.
Marine Biology paper (subscription needed)
July, 2007

Teo, S.L.H., A. Boustany, H. Dewar, M.J.W. Stokesbury, K.C. Weng, S. Beemer, et al. 2007. Annual migrations, diving behavior, and thermal biology of Atlantic bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus, on their Gulf of Mexico breeding grounds. Marine Policy 151(1): 1-18.
Marine Biology paper (subscription needed)
March, 2007