The Implications of Climate Change for Antarctic Krill, Whales, and Penguins

The Implications of Climate Change for Antarctic Krill, Whales, and Penguins


Publications and Reports:


Ecological Modelling paper (subscription needed)
Cresswell, K.A., Wiedenmann, J.R., Mangel, M. 2012. A model of parental conflict: Predicting provisioning behavior of penguin partners in response to local changes in krill. Ecological Modelling.
Ecological Modeling paper (subscription needed)
November, 2012

Wiedenmann, J., Cresswell, K.A., Goldbogen, J., Potvin, J. and M. Mangel. 2011. Exploring the effects of reductions in krill biomass in the Southern Ocean on blue whales using a state-dependent foraging model. Ecological Modelling 222(18): 3366-3379.

September, 2011
Cresswell, K. A., Satterthwaite, W.H., and G.A. Sword. 2011. Understanding the evolution of migration through empirical examples. (book): Animal Migration: A Synthesis: 7-16.

January, 2011
Carlson, S.M.,  A. Kottas and M. Mangel. 2010. Bayesian analysis of size-dependent overwinter mortality from size-frequency distributions. Ecology 91(4): 1016-1024.

Ecology paper (subscription needed)
April, 2010
Brown, V., Gutknect, J., Harden, L., Harrison, C., Hively, D., Jorensen, C., Levi, T., Pflugeisen, B., Rovengo, P., Want, Y., Wiedenmann, J., and M. Mangel. 2010. Understanding and engaging values in policy relevant science. Bulletin of the British Ecological Society 41:48-56. 

Bulletin of the British Ecological Society paper
March, 2010
Richerson, K., P.S. Levin and M. Mangel. 2010. Accounting for Indirect Effects and Non-Commensurate Values in Ecosystem Based Fishery Management (EBFM). Marine Policy 34(1):114-119.

Link to Marine Policy paper.
January, 2010
Cresswell, K. A., G. A. Tarling, et al. 2009. Diel vertical migration of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) is flexible during advection across the Scotia Sea. Journal of Plankton Research 31(10): 1265-1281.

Journal of Plankton Research paper
October, 2009
Cresswell, K. A., J. Wiedenmann, et al. 2008. Can macaroni penguins keep up with climate- and fishing-induced changes in krill? Polar Biology 31(5): 641-649.

Polar Biology article (subscription needed)
January, 2008
Cresswell, K. A., G. A. Tarling, et al. 2007. Weight loss during breeding is adaptive for female macaroni penguins, Eudyptes chrysolophus. Evolutionary Ecology Research 9(7): 1053-1076.

Evolutionary Ecology Research paper (subscription needed)
September, 2007
Cresswell, K. A., G. A. Tarling, et al. 2007. Behaviour affects local-scale distributions of Antarctic krill around South Georgia. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 343: 193-206.

Marine Ecology-Progress Series paper (subscription needed)
August, 2007